
Blog 9: Changes to my study program

Hello people, Today I am going to write about some things I change in the career I study, which is Theory and Art's History.  As a student of the last year of the career I can say that I change many things related to the infrastructure of the department career. We need better projectors to see to real colors of the art's pieces. Our projectors are so bad that usually change the colors of the paintings and that is not good to learn art's history!!! You need to see the real colors!!!! And we need better places to do classes because, in many casses, the illumination is bad. I like the curriculum of my career, I really enjoyed the most part of the subjects (specially that related with art's history jijiji I am not a big fan of aesthetics and theory stuffs). But the new students of the career (first and second year) have a new study programm and, honestly, I do not like so much. I think that it is a little messy.  For me study a career that length four years it ...

Blog 10: English Language Challenges

Hello people, Finally English IV is coming to an end! (I said this because I am tired to return to my house so late, just that...the truth is that I really enjoy the course but the semester is ending and I have to do a lot of stuffs). My favourite thing of the semester was the movies!!!! I think that watch movies is a good way to learn a foreign language. About the blogs, I think they are a good strategy to improve the writing and the vocabulary because we have to use wordreference a lot!!! I think that learn English at universty is necessary but, at the same time, really exhausting because many of us have classes the whole day and we are a little tired at six thirty. :'( However, people should learn English because it is completely useful. Once you learn the language you can watch english movies or series without subtitules or listen english music understanding everything the singer says. I belive that I have to improved my english vocabulary because it is a little poor. I...

BLOG 8: Plans for independence day vacation

Hello people, Today I'm going to write about  my plans for independence day vacation.  I really love September 18th holidays because people do a lot of delicious food, like 'empanadas' (my favorite, specially empanadas de pino because I can not eat cheese), 'anticuchos', barbecues and 'pebre'. In my opinion this celebration is completely dedicated to food and delicious recipes (like those I named before). For this holidays I would like to visit the beach -I am thinking in Algarrobo- because it is so beautiful in September. Unfortunately, much people travel to Algarrobo in that period, so it is a little uncomfortable be there for that month. If I travel to Algarrobo I would like to be with my family and my boyfriend, because when we are together we have so much fun...just talking, eating and drinking jejeje Being honest, I am not so sure about what activities do for September 18th. If I stay in Santiago maybe I would visit some 'ramada' to dr...


Hello people, Today I am going to write about pets. I have a pet. It is a duck, its name is 'monito' and it has seven years old. I decided to put this name because when monito was a little duck, I was listened to Arctic monkeys (the british group, so popular in this days) and monito started to move.  In the past, a lot of people confused about its name and thought it calls bonito (with a 'b' instead a 'm')...for that reason, the complete name of my duck is: 'Monito, el pato bonito'.  Having a duck is very complicate. Really. You have to take care a lot, specially when they are little ducks. Ducks can not be exposed to low temperatures and they can not eat every type of food. In the case of 'Monito, el pato bonito', it prefers to eat tomatoes (its favorite), bananas and a type of powdered corn. Other thing, it is that you have to protect them from others animals, like cats or dogs. I remember an occasion when a cat tried to atta...

Blog 6: Postgraduate Studies

Hi people! Today I'm going to write about a posgraduate studies that I would like to take one day. Since the first day that I started studying Theory and Art's History (the name of my degree), I felt in love with art's history, specially related with chilean art in the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth.  So, I would like to take a subject related to that area . . . but the truth is that I am not sure about what I want to do in the future. When I will finish my thesis, I am going to start thinking about what to do then: such as a posgraduate study, a trip, look for a job, or something like that. I have not seek up information related with the existance of a posgraduate course about chilean art. I assume that the posgraduate does not exist abroad so, considering that, I will take some course associated with that area in Chile, but I would love to travel to another country in the world someday. I am not  friend of online courses, instead of that I p...

Blog 5: My future job

Hi everyone! Today I'm going to write about my future job. The truth is that I don't think a lot in the future. I prefer to be worried about my present, like being thinking about my thessis. But If I'm creative I would like to work in the university as teacher. I'm interesting in the chilean art of the nineteenh century and I would love to teach that subject to other people, because that period of art is not appreciate as it deserve. I think that being a teacher suppose a lot of indoor work. I mean as a teacher you have to do classes, check tests and essays, etcetera. Of course I would like to travel as an invited teacher in a foreigner university...That would be great!!! I really don't like to think about money, because in jobs releated to art the money is distant. As I write before, my interests are in the chilean art of the nineteenh century. I think that period, one of the first in the chilean art's history, is precious. There are a lot of important ...


Hi people, Today I'm going to write about the film: Children of God. I have to say that I didn't like the film...it was so tragic!!!! and I'm not a big fan of dramatic's movies. In my opinion, the movie talks about an important subject which is LGBTQI issues...I think that the director's intention was to show the discrimination and homophobia that gay people suffers. My favorite character was Johnny because he was an artist and he was looking for peace with himself, that's the reason he traveled to the beach, where he met Romeo. I didn't like Romeo because he was coward, he didn't assume his love for Johnny and he came back with his ex girlfriend, a girl he didn't love (because he was in love with Johnny)...I think that not assume your real love just for fear it's not a good thing...people should always be brave! And, of course, we have to respect that! One thing I like about the movie was the place where filmed, it was a beautiful beach....