Blog 9: Changes to my study program

Hello people,
Today I am going to write about some things I change in the career I study, which is Theory and Art's History. 
As a student of the last year of the career I can say that I change many things related to the infrastructure of the department career. We need better projectors to see to real colors of the art's pieces. Our projectors are so bad that usually change the colors of the paintings and that is not good to learn art's history!!! You need to see the real colors!!!! And we need better places to do classes because, in many casses, the illumination is bad.

I like the curriculum of my career, I really enjoyed the most part of the subjects (specially that related with art's history jijiji I am not a big fan of aesthetics and theory stuffs). But the new students of the career (first and second year) have a new study programm and, honestly, I do not like so much. I think that it is a little messy. 

For me study a career that length four years it is awesome...I think it is unnecessary to ad more years because, at this moment, the only thing I want it is be graduate!!! I want to start doing new things, like study something new or trip to somewehere (I do not know where yet).

Being in a career like this means that YOU HAVE TO READ A LOT!!!!!. Other thing very important is that you have to write many works and essays. At the begining that is a little difficult but then you used to it.

Finally, I think the classes are good but professors could talk less about their lifes and really do the classes. ijijij 
Bye, bye!


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