Blog 5: My future job

Hi everyone!

Today I'm going to write about my future job.

The truth is that I don't think a lot in the future. I prefer to be worried about my present, like being thinking about my thessis. But If I'm creative I would like to work in the university as teacher. I'm interesting in the chilean art of the nineteenh century and I would love to teach that subject to other people, because that period of art is not appreciate as it deserve.
I think that being a teacher suppose a lot of indoor work. I mean as a teacher you have to do classes, check tests and essays, etcetera.
Of course I would like to travel as an invited teacher in a foreigner university...That would be great!!!
I really don't like to think about money, because in jobs releated to art the money is distant.
As I write before, my interests are in the chilean art of the nineteenh century. I think that period, one of the first in the chilean art's history, is precious. There are a lot of important artists, like Juan Francisco González (HE IS THE BEST!!!), Pedro Lira, Alfredo Valenzuela Puelma, Magdalena and Aurora Mira, and others.

Bye bye!

P.S. This is a painting of Juan Francisco González called 'Melipilla's street' or 'Calle de Melipilla'....beautiful!

Resultado de imagen para juan francisco gonzalez


  1. I think working as a professor at the university is very important, you work with people who want to be there, especially in an artistic career, the approach you will give is great!

  2. Oh!! Future Colleage!!!, i hope that your dream will be came true... hugs :)

  3. Hi Nata... when you achieve it i will love to go at one of your class..... love you


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