Blog 10: English Language Challenges

Hello people,

Finally English IV is coming to an end! (I said this because I am tired to return to my house so late, just that...the truth is that I really enjoy the course but the semester is ending and I have to do a lot of stuffs).
My favourite thing of the semester was the movies!!!! I think that watch movies is a good way to learn a foreign language. About the blogs, I think they are a good strategy to improve the writing and the vocabulary because we have to use wordreference a lot!!!
I think that learn English at universty is necessary but, at the same time, really exhausting because many of us have classes the whole day and we are a little tired at six thirty. :'(

However, people should learn English because it is completely useful. Once you learn the language you can watch english movies or series without subtitules or listen english music understanding everything the singer says.

I belive that I have to improved my english vocabulary because it is a little poor. I pretend to correct this situation studying more...maybe I will put Duolingo on my mobile phone. Who knows!! ijijijij

I really do not use a lot of english outside the classes. All the movies or series I watch are with spanish subtitles. Sometimes I practice when I am washing the dishes or cleaning my bedroom, and I start talking about my day, my feelings or a special situation in english...Now I think it is funny to do that but, for me, that kind of practice really work.



  1. I totally recommend duolingo! It's a very funny and cute game. It is true that English is very useful so ..go to practice!

  2. Hi nata! I too practice speaking alone about the things that i'm doing or about my feelings in a specific moment, althoug is difficult, and almost time i leave to do this because i don´t know some word.

  3. I have the same feeling about going home so late, forget to mention it on my blog
    but it was really fun!

  4. Hi Nata, i feeling the same to return at home, but soon than later is ending...
    one best way is use Duolingo or Memrise to practice...

  5. jajajaj I thought the same, I think i'm going to need Duolingo too, now that English end, to don't lose pace
    regards :)

  6. as you i think that benjy's selection in the movies was the best! regards : )


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