Blog 6: Postgraduate Studies

Hi people!

Today I'm going to write about a posgraduate studies that I would like to take one day.

Since the first day that I started studying Theory and Art's History (the name of my degree), I felt in love with art's history, specially related with chilean art in the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth.  So, I would like to take a subject related to that area . . . but the truth is that I am not sure about what I want to do in the future. When I will finish my thesis, I am going to start thinking about what to do then: such as a posgraduate study, a trip, look for a job, or something like that.

I have not seek up information related with the existance of a posgraduate course about chilean art. I assume that the posgraduate does not exist abroad so, considering that, I will take some course associated with that area in Chile, but I would love to travel to another country in the world someday.

I am not  friend of online courses, instead of that I prefer -always- a "real" class because I think that there are better to learn new things (in my humble opinión :') ).

I think people should take time to think about what they really want to do in their lives, including posgraduate studies jiijij

Bye bye.

Resultado de imagen para graduado


  1. hi!!!!!
    the chilean art is great!, you can specialty in this them and teach to more people... diferent to teacher Machuca... plis jajajajaj this man love to Leppe...

  2. Since I read your previous blog I imagine that you would like to do a graduate degree like that, I think it's perfect with you, I hope you achieve it!

  3. hi Nata, I agree with you, and yes, it's good to take some time to be sure of the decisions that will be made ...

  4. Such a good advice, i always forget take breath before make an important choice. I love "Theory and History of arts" career :)

  5. Hi the history of chilean art its an interesting topic to learn. Also its true what you said we have to take time to think in what we are going to do.


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