I would like to go to México 'cause I think it's a beautiful country, with many culture!!!! art, music, architecture, literature, food. . . everything!!!!! 

I'm not an expert in México's history but I know that in this country started the artistic movement: muralismo mexicano (*I write the name in spanish because this movement began in México, I mean, in a Latin America country), which started in the beginning of the twenty century . The principal exponents of this movement were Diego Rivera, José Clemente Orozco David Alfaro Siqueiros. 

Nueva democracia, David Alfaro Siqueiros. 1944.

Being in México I would like to visit its most important and tourist places. For giving an example, I would like to go to Teotihuacán, a giant archaeological complex located in the northwest of Ciudad de México, emblem of the pre columbian culture in the continent. Teotihuacán has different buildings, the most important are Templo de la Serpiente Emplumada, La Pirámide de la Luna y la Pirámide del Sol. These constructions are situated along La Calzada de los Muertos, the principal avenue of this pre columbian city.


I'm not completely sure of what to do in México besides travel. Maybe study or work. . . I don't know.


  1. Nata! my dear friend! I would really like make this trip together :)
    maybe, if you are agree we can start to save money :)



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